If you're an artist or label looking to better manage your music catalog and reach a wider audience, switching music distributors can be a game-changer. We understand that the process might feel overwhelming at first, but don't worry! In this article, we'll guide you through the key steps to seamlessly switch to a new distributor. And guess what? We'll also introduce you to our service here at dig dis! and show you how easy it is to switch your catalog to us.
How to switch your music distributor
Research and compare distributors:
Start by researching and making a list of potential music distributors that meet your requirements. Consider pricing, royalty rates, customer support, and additional services like marketing and playlist promotion. Take note of the distributors that stand out to you.
Analyze terms and contracts:
Carefully review and understand the terms and conditions of each distributor on your list. Read their contracts and pay attention to details such as exclusivity, contract length, and ownership rights. Make sure their terms align with your long-term goals and that you feel comfortable with them. Also, consider scheduling a call with them, as this will quickly identify distributors who take personal support seriously and those who do not.
So, what do I need to do to switch my music catalog?
Essentially, you would have to re-upload your entire music catalog to your new distributor, which can be a time-consuming task, especially if your catalog consists of several hundred tracks by different artists and contributors.
While uploading each release one-by-one is already a challenging task, using the same metadata for your re-uploads, such as ISRCs and UPCs, is critical to ensuring that all streams are automatically transferred and no playlist spots are lost. Now, if you want to move your music catalog to dig dis!, you don't have to worry about any of these things. With our bulk importer tool, we at dig dis! have set a milestone to support all future labels in their transition, making sure that most of the necessary information is imported automatically.
With just one click, you can migrate all your releases from Spotify to our platform. We have developed a tool that extracts all the data and information available on Spotify, leaving you with just a few tasks to complete the switch. And that?s it.
Ready to make the switch and bring your music catalog to us? Start the process here!